Krolikovodstvo i Zverovodstvo
Rabbit breeding and fur farming
international interdisciplinary journal

ISSN 0023-4885 * The journal was founded in 1910. * It is included in the list of HAC

Krolikovodstvo i Zverovodstvo

Rabbit breeding and fur farming
international interdisciplinary journal

General requirements to a Manuscript


Krolokovodstvo i Zverovodstvo (K&Z) accepts the manuscripts on the problems of the mammal farming and biotechnology (refer to the Scope and Aims for the full list of subjects) by Russian and foreign authors both in Russian or in English. A publication should include title (full and short), authors’ names and affiliations, an extensive resume, figure and table captions and legends, and keywords both in Russian and in English. Submission of the second version of the full text (Russian for the English paper and vice versa) is optional. If you have no possibility to translate all the necessary material, please, leave us enough space and access to insert our versions into your tables and/or figures. Please, keep in mind that all the translations should be made by a person with good knowledge of the subject and of both languages – original and target. We don’t accept any sort of the machine translation.


The journal has no restrictions on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive. Full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. K&Z requires that authors publish all experimental controls and make full datasets available where possible.

Manuscripts submitted to K&Z should neither been published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal.

All the manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts. The authors may propose the names of two or more acceptable/unacceptable reviewers.

Manuscript Submission Process

A manuscript is registered immediately after its arrival to the Technical Editor and a Correspondence Author is informed on it through the e-mail.

The submitted monograph is peer-reviewed by two or more (if necessary) experts and the expert opinions are e-mailed to the Correspondence Author. The authors should answer all the remarks of their Reviewer, make all the necessary corrections and resubmit their manuscript. Please, do it within 15 business days, in other case your manuscript will get a later submission date. Please, do not make changes in text, tables and figures, except for the corrections recommended by the reviewer.

As soon as an journal with your manuscript is designed, the Technical Editor e-mails a galley proof of the article to its authors for the proof reading. Please, read the texts thoroughly, correct all the errors made by the Editorial Board and e-mail the corrected text or a message confirming the absence of the errors within three business days. All the errors that remain in the text thereafter are the responsibility of the authors.

Please, keep to the Author Guidelines in preparing your manuscript:

In 2020, K&Z do not charge any publication fee. Translation/correction of the author’s translation of the titles (full and short), authors’ names and affiliations, an extensive resume, figure and table captions and legends, and keywords are free. The prices for the translation/correction of the author’s translation of the full texts is a subject to negotiations.

© 2025. Federal State Budget Scientific Institute Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding n.a. V.A. Afanas'ev (FSBSI «NIIPZK») .